Child Development
Child development provides parents with information on physical, mental and emotional growth and development in children. Child development information can help parents know when they are expecting too much from a child as well as become aware of lags in development that may benefit from professional help.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Simple Mommy Secrets to Stop Your Little Biter

Parenting Expert Michele Borba shares her advice on getting your child to stop biting.

Thanks Mom
A daughter, now with a child of her own, tells a story about how she learned parenting skills and how to discipline from her own mother.

Taking The Bite OUT Of A Biting Child
A biting child is a negative child behavior experienced at practically every child care setting, whether it be daycare, in-home care, playgroup, or just among siblings. Nothing will stop kid play more quickly than a biting child giving a hard chomp on another. So What can be done about a biting child?

Effective Use of Time Out
How to effectively use time out with your toddler. Tells how long time out should be and why time out is useful as a redirection of undesired behavior.

Consistency Matters
Explains the benefit of being consistent from very early on with your child's discipline and touches on how disciplining toddlers is so much different than with older children.

9 Reasons Why Toddlers Can Be Difficult to Discipline
Lists 9 reasons why, developmentally, toddlers are sometimes hard to discipline and gives strategies on how to deal with each issue.

Teaching Logical Consequences
Offers parents a way to set limits with their toddlers and explains the benefits of using the logical consequences of actions to teach toddlers. Also describes the difference between discipline and punishment.

Deciding Whether or Not to Spank
Information regarding the use of spanking, including viewpoints from parents who have used both spanking and nonspanking as discipline methods for their toddlers.

Which Toddler Behaviors Require Discipline
Outlines many toddler behaviors that you will likely want to manage and gives steps on how to do so. It covers common behaviors like biting, hitting, refusing to get dressed, problems at the supermarket, whining, swearing and more.

Explores the many reasons why toddlers might bite (themselves or others) and teaches parents how to effectively discipline when it occurs.

posted by Fauziah at 11:25 PM


Blogger mum_of_3 said...

nice article on disciplining a child. I would also recommend parents out there on reading the articles on "Children Behaviour Psychology" that I found on this site. It has info on Dealing with Tantrums, Attention Seeking-Misbehaving child and much more. You can find these resources on this site:

Parenting Resources, Pregnancy Resources

5:23 PM 

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