Child Development
Child development provides parents with information on physical, mental and emotional growth and development in children. Child development information can help parents know when they are expecting too much from a child as well as become aware of lags in development that may benefit from professional help.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Understanding Child Development The child development section of our site provides information on physical, mental and emotional growth and development in children and teenagers. Information on prenatal development is also provided.

Improving Your Child's Behavior Child Psychology information to help build parenting skills that help to provide structure and encouragement for children of all ages from toddlers to teens. These positive parenting tips build self-esteem, self-discipline and create kids that are winners.

Improving Your Child's Learning Ability Provides child development facts and parenting tips to improve learning ability and study skills for children and adolescents.

All About Childhood Disorders Provides comprehensive information on child development, child psychology and parenting from research studies, support organizations and clinical guidelines related to various disorders found in children and adolescents including Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Bedwetting, Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities and other behavioral and emotional disorders.

Taking Care of Baby Welcome to parenthood! Get valuable child development and practical parenting information related raising infants and toddlers.

Raising Successful Teens Provides parenting guideline on how to help teenagers reach their full potential. We also provide practical suggestions for parents on how to help teens cope with various life issues.

Child & Teen Health & Safety Issues Find parenting and child development information and practical advise related to medical issues, dental health, safety tips and maternal health.

Kids, Teens and Media Provides news, information and guidelines related to the impact of various forms of mass media including TV, Internet and Video Games on child development. Parenting tips to help children and teenagers make good use of these and other media are also provided.

Visit Parent Mart our online store with books and tapes on child development and parenting as well as programs for kids and teens to improve self-esteem and learning including The Phonics Game for reading improvement and Focus for kids with ADHD.

posted by Fauziah at 10:26 PM


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3:17 PM 

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