Child Development
Child development provides parents with information on physical, mental and emotional growth and development in children. Child development information can help parents know when they are expecting too much from a child as well as become aware of lags in development that may benefit from professional help.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
| | Source: UPI URBANA, Ill. (UPI) -- How a parent talks to a child contributes to the child's secure attachment, sense of self-worth and eventual social competence, say Illinois researchers.
"As soon as children start talking, parents develop conversational patterns with their kids, and different parents have very different patterns," said Kelly K. Bost, a University of Illinois associate professor of human development. "In elaborative conversations, parents provide rich detail and lots of background information and try to get their child to provide new information from his memory as the conversation goes on."
Bost and colleagues compared the conversational styles of 90 mothers and their 3-year-old children with assessments the scientists had made in the home of the children's attachment security. The research, published in Attachment and Human Development, confirmed that mothers of securely attached children use a more elaborative conversational style than those of insecure children.
"When you pick your son up at school and ask about his day, try to pull him into the conversation and be responsive to his communication. Keep asking open-ended questions -- get him to elaborate," says Bost. "If you can provide an emotional touchstone from years past, do that too. You might say: Do you remember when this happened last year? How were you feeling then? What did you do?" |
posted by Fauziah at
9:49 PM
